Traits of People Affected by Symptoms of Kidney Stones

Ryan Monday, December 11, 2017
Symptoms of kidney stones will not be felt if the size of the stone is relatively small and can get out of the urinary tract along with the urine flow smoothly. New symptoms can be felt when the stone stuck in the kidney, stones too large pass through the ureter, or kidney stones causing the infection.

Traits of People Affected by Symptoms of Kidney Stones

The Ureter is a tube which connects the kidney to the bladder. The form of this organ resembles a tube with the tissue structure which is sensitive. When kidney stones large pass through the ureter, the stone will rub against the walls of the ureter, causing irritation and risk injuring. This is why sometimes urine can contain blood. If the stone is large enough, the stone can be stuck in the ureter so that interfere with the smooth flow of urine from the kidneys.

Symptoms of kidney stones the most common is the pain that settled on the abdomen side, lower back, waist, crotch, or even the testicles (in men). In addition, other symptoms of kidney stones that may be present are:
  1. Increasing the frequency of urination and pain during urination.
  2. The color of urine looks cloudy and stink. Murky colors such as brown or redness of the urine can be caused by the presence of bleeding during kidney stones passing through the urinary tract.
  3. Nausea and can be accompanied by vomiting.
  4. Restless.
  5.  It is difficult to rest because it is difficult to find the right position to do so.
Kidney stones stuck in the ureter and make the urine flow is not smooth can cause a buildup of dirt. Dirt buildup can cause the proliferation of bacteria that can eventually lead to kidney infection. If the kidney infection has already occurred, then the symptoms that can be experienced by patients are fever, body feels limp, the body feels cold even to shiver, the urine looks cloudy and stink, as well as diarrhea.

Read Also : 

- Understanding
- The cause of
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Complications
- Prevention

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