Children who shut their mouths and refuse to eat, often confuse parents. Do not let children experience growth disorders resulting from the hunger strike, so it is important to find out how to increase the appetite of children.
One's appetite is controlled by the hormones ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin hormone will increase appetite, while the hormone leptin that serves to reduce appetite. The hormone ghrelin will be released in the stomach, which then gives hunger signals to the brain.
Parents can estimate the child's calorie intake to be no less than his needs. Children's caloric needs per day differ according to age. 2-3 year olds need about 1,000-1,400 calories,
There are several reasons children or adults lack of appetite, such as feeling stressed, tense, drug side effects, or taste, and appearance of unattractive foods. If the child appears to be on a hunger strike, some of the following can be done as a way to increase the child's appetite, among others:
The actions of parents who force their children to eat because of worry, it can provoke tension at mealtimes. This can make children less sensitive to hunger in the future.
- Avoid coercive action
Colorful dishes will attract the eye, so it is expected to make eating time enjoyable. Try combining different vegetables with different colors, when served with pasta or other carbohydrate sources. It also strongly supports the variety of nutrients the body needs.
- Create an interesting display of food
To attract the appetite can also be through the smell of food that is fun and tempting. It could be by serving warm food that has just been cooked, or warm up the food before serving, so that the nose has time to trigger appetite.
- Flirt with the smell of food
One plate full of food, may decrease appetite. Siasati by dividing the nutrients from one plate into a small serving presented several times. In addition, small portions will also be more easily prepared.
- Divide in small portions
Chewing food slowly will give the child time to measure hunger. Ask the child if she is full, before giving her additional food.
- Get used to eating slowly
To maintain appetite and prevent satiety, should avoid drinking too much during mealtimes. Water, juice, coffee, tea, or other types of beverages, are recommended to be enjoyed after the meal is over.
- Limit drinks while eating
Invite the children to shop and prepare the food to be served. Parents will have the opportunity to know what kind of food the child loves, as well as explain good nutrition, and the child can gain more experience, and be more passionate about eating.
- Involve children when preparing food
If appetite disorders persist, consult the condition with your doctor. Deficiencies of certain mineral substances, such as zinc, are known to decrease appetite and preliminary studies conducted on animals conclude, zinc may increase appetite in cases of short-term zinc deficiency.
- Consult a doctor
Do not rush to provide supplements when children seem to eat hard. Always consult supplementation with your doctor or nutritionist.
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