How To Prevention,Treatment And Understanding Of Disease Ascariasis

Ryan Tuesday, December 05, 2017
Ascariasis is an infection caused by roundworms. This worm is a type of parasite that can live and multiply in the human gut.

Infection by these worms usually do not cause specific symptoms. However, the number of roundworms in the intestine could potentially trigger symptoms and serious complications.

How To Prevention,Treatment And Understanding Of Disease Ascariasis

Symptoms of Ascariasis

If there are symptoms, there are two phases of indication that are usually experienced by people with ascariasis, namely the early phase and further.

In the early phase of infection, the eggs of worms are ingested and hatched , so that trigger symptoms such as fever, dry cough, short breath, and wheezing. This phase can generally last up to 21 days.

On the phase map, the larvae had migrated to the intestine and develop into adult worms. Ascariasis light to medium will trigger the symptoms of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or the appearance of blood in the stool.

The more the number of roundworms present in the body, the symptoms experienced by people will be getting worse. Ascariasis severe due to the large number of roundworms in the intestine will lead to symptoms such as:
  1. Severe abdominal pain.
  2. Vomiting-vomiting.
  3. Fatigue.
  4. The presence of worms in vomit or stool.
  5. Weight loss.
Have yourself to the doctor if experiencing any of these symptoms so that the handling can be done immediately.

Transmission and Risk Factors of Ascariasis

Ascariasis can occur if You swallow the eggs of the roundworms found in water or food. The foods that grow on the contaminated soil the eggs of roundworms can also be a source of the cause of ascariasis.

There are a number of factors that can increase the risk of transmission and spread of parasitic infections. Such risk factors include:
  1. Hygiene is not maintained. Ascariasis a lot of growing in places that are less clean, especially the area of utilizing human excreta as a fertilizer.
  2.  Age. Ascariasis is most common in patients aged 10 years and under.
  3. The density of the population. This infection often occurs in areas with high population density.
The diagnosis of Ascariasis

In addition to asking about the symptoms and medical history of the patient, the doctor will take and examine a stool sample with. This procedure will help the doctor to check the presence or absence of eggs of worms in the stools of infected people.

A blood test can be done to see an increase in certain white blood cells called as eosinophilia, but this is not specific to ascertain the presence of infection of Ascaris. Further examination using X-ray, ULTRASOUND, or CT tests and MRI to see if there are larvae in the lungs, the worms mature in the liver or pancreas, a blob of worms that clog the ducts of the liver or pancreas.

Treatment Of Ascariasis

Ascariasis can be treated and cured with anti-parasitic drugs. A number of drugs that are generally given by doctors are:
  1.  Mebendazole. The drug is recommended for patients aged 1 year and above. Side effects that could potentially arise include diarrhea, skin rash, and often a waste of the wind.
  2. Piperazine. Infants aged 3 to eleven months are usually advised to consume this medicine as much as 1 times only. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and colic are some of the side effects of piperazine.
  3.  Albendazole. This drug is usually recommended to be consumed 2 times a day. Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and skin rash are some of the side effects that may be experienced by the patient after taking albendazole.
Prevention Of Ascariasis

The same as other diseases, preventing the ascariasis of course better than cure. The most effective prevention for this infection is by maintaining hygiene. Some simple precaution steps that we can do is:
  1.  Always wash your hands with soap and clean water, for example before eating, cooking, and after defecation.
  2. Make sure dishes are completely cooked before consuming it.
  3. Drink bottled water that is sealed when travelling. If not available, cook the water up to boiling before drinking it.
  4. Consumption of fruits that can be peeled, such as orange or apple.
  5. Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption.

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