The Cause And The Understanding Of Disease Astigmatism

Ryan Tuesday, December 05, 2017
Astigmatism is a visual impairment resulting from defects in the curvature of the lens or cornea resulting view is distorted or blurred. Astigmatism generally appear at birth, but can also be caused by injury experienced by the eye at a later date or as a complication of eye surgery.

The Cause And The Understanding Of Disease Astigmatism

Disease that causes reduced visual acuity in a variety of range of this distance can be experienced by a person suffering from nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (- hypermetropia). If left untreated, astigmatism can cause headaches and tired eyes, especially when after using the eyes in a long time.

The Cause Of Astigmatism

Astigmatism is caused because the lens or cornea is not smooth resulting in the light entering the eye, to be not focused when passed to the retina. Therefore, the view that is produced to be opaque.

Based on the layout of the damage, astigmatism can be distinguished into 2 types. Astigmatism caused by defects in the cornea of the eye is called astigmatism corneal, while caused by a defect in the lens of the eye is called astigmatism lentikular.

While based on the type of damage, there are two types of astigmatism, namely normal and abnormal. Astigmatism ordinary is when one side of the cornea of the eye is more curved than the other side. This condition is the most common condition encountered and can be treated with the help of eye glasses or eye lenses. Astigmatism irregular is when the cornea of the eye does not average not just in one side, but on the whole the surface of the cornea. This condition is commonly triggered by injuries that left scars on the cornea. This condition can be treated with the help of contact lens, but not with the glass eye.

Cases astigmatism is generally present since birth, although the exact cause of why this condition arises is still unknown. There is the assumption that astigmatism is hereditary in the family. This condition is also more commonly found in infants with low weight or premature birth.

Some of the causes that can lead to astigmatism:
  1. Complications due to eye surgery.
  2. Injury to the cornea due to infection.
  3.  Conditions on the eyelids that disrupts the structure of the cornea. For example there is a bump on the eyelid that presses the cornea.
  4. Keratoconus and keratoglobus, a condition in which the cornea can change shape, better mengggembung or thinning.
  5. Other eye conditions that affect the cornea or the lens.
Disease myopic (- hypermetropia/hyperopia) or nearsightedness (myopia) with astigmatism.

The Symptoms Of Astigmatism

Astigmatism causes visual impairment which may impact on daily activities of patients. Some of the symptoms of this condition, namely:
  •  The view that is vague or unfocused
  • Dizziness
  • Tired eyes
  • Sensitive to light (photophobia)
  • Difficulty distinguishing colors that are adjacent
  • Difficulty seeing the image as a whole, for example a straight line tilted
In the case of astigmatism severe, patients can experience double vision.

prognosis of Astigmatism

Astigmatism can generally be detected after a routine eye exam. Given astigmatism can appear at birth, checking the eyes regularly is also important, especially in newborns and children. Plus, the kids may not realize that there is a disruption in the power of their vision.

Some tests that may be done to ensure the symptoms and ensure the analysis of astigmatism, among other tests keratometer and visual acuity test. Visual acuity test is performed to test the visual acuity of an object from a certain distance with how to read a row of letters known by the name of the Snellen chart. The test keratometer done to determine the condition of defects on the cornea to see how the focus of the light transmitted by the cornea to the retina.

Other tests can also be performed to measure the focus of light on the eye. The doctor will put some type of lens alternately in front of the eyes with the help of a tool called the phoropter. A tool named retinoskop also been used to highlight the light into the eyes of the patient. By doing so, the examiner can assess the degree of visual acuity of the patient, including the ability of the eye focus the light.

Healthy adults aged over 40 years and someone who has a risk of developing eye diseases, such as diabetics, also should perform routine eye examination. Consult with your doctor about the time of the eye examination that should be done by infants, children, and adults.

The Treatment Of Astigmatism

In most cases, astigmatism suffered relatively very light so it does not require treatment at all. The treatment of astigmatism aims to improve the quality of vision patients with the use of glass eyes, the lens of the eye, or through the procedure of eye surgery that uses a laser beam. Treatment of astigmatism is given based on the type, i.e. regular or irregular.

The use of corrective lenses can help focus the light striking the cornea of the eye sufferers of astigmatism that has an arch or uneven surfaces. Thus, the light entering into the eyes can fall right on the retina. Patients may use corrective lenses in the form of the glass eye or the lens of the eye in accordance with the comfort on the eyes and the recommendations given by the eye doctor.

The treatment of astigmatism using the help of a laser beam aimed at tissue repair in the cornea of the eye which is not curved as it should be. Network outer cells existing on the surface of the cornea will be lifted first before the laser beam is used to change the shape of the cornea and restore the eye's ability to focus light. This procedure generally takes at most half an hour. Furthermore, the cornea is maintained to a restored condition. Several types of surgery procedures that use the help of laser for the treatment of astigmatism, that LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), LASEK (laser sub-epithelial keratomileusis), and fotorefraktif keraktektomi (PRK).

Consult types treatment astigmatism which there is with Your doctor before determining a treatment in accordance with the type of astigmatism owned. Learn also seasoned and cons of every procedure and treatment available.

Complications Of Astigmatism

Astigmatism experienced by one eye since birth can cause “lazy eye” (lazy eye) or the so-called amblyopia. This happens because the brain is already accustomed to ignoring the signals sent by the eyes. Amblyopia can be treated if diagnosed and treated early before line of sight in the brain to develop fully. Thus the child will be spared from the condition of lazy eye.

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