Knowledge In Diagnosing Kidney Stones

Ryan Monday, December 11, 2017
In diagnosing kidney stones, the dentist will first try to dig the information in advance of the patient about the symptoms they experienced. Usually the doctor will also inquire whether the patient has ever suffered from kidney stones, have a family history of the diseased kidney stones, or whether the patients often consume food or supplements that feel can trigger the formation of kidney stones.

Knowledge In Diagnosing Kidney Stones

After that information is collected, a selection test will be conducted to ensure the analysis. Such tests can include examination of urine, blood tests, and scanning (eg ULTRASOUND, x-ray, CT test, and the intravenous urogram/IVU). Examination of urine is performed to determine the presence of infection in the ur*nary tract associated with kidney stones. In addition, if the urine sample contains flakes of kidney stone, these tests can help the doctor in identifying the type of kidney stones are formed.

As for blood tests, this method is done to help doctors determine levels of specific substances that could potentially cause kidney stones, such as calcium or uric acid in the blood. In addition, blood tests are also done to ensure whether the patient's kidney is still functioning properly or have been damaged.

The latter is the inspection through the image of the image with X-ray, CT experiment or intravenous urogram (IVU). The examination can only be done in this hospital actually has the same goal, namely to ensure the existence of and determine the position of the kidney stones is precise and accurate.

Proper analysis will greatly help the doctor in determining the handling or drugs that in accordance with the conditions of the patients with kidney stones. To note, the current the CT test is already more often used as a main choice by physicians in diagnosing diseases of kidney stones because the result is more accurate compared with the method of another investigation.

Read Also : 

- Understanding
- Symptoms
- The cause of
- Treatment
- Complications
- Prevention

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