Whether Organic Food Is Definitely Healthier?

Ryan Monday, February 19, 2018
Organic food should you can be a more healthy component of the food that has been developed with the Agriculture, Livestock, non-organic. Isn't it?

The main difference from organic food and non-organic can be seen from the way in which farmers and ranchers to the processing of fruit, vegetables, cereales, meat sold for consumption. Farmers and ranchers do not use synthetic materials such as pesticides and fertilizers in the plant, or injection of antibiotics in animals that will be maintained.

Whether Organic Food Is Definitely Healthier?
Whether Organic Food Is Definitely Healthier?

Why eat organic food?

Some people have started to choose to buy organic food when compared with the materials developed through conventional methods, due to undergo reasons, among them:
  • Organic food is claimed to the child do not contain sales
Conventional farmers generally use synthetic pesticides to protect vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and insects. This sale continues to leave a residue that takes fruits and vegetables from cinnamon risk in humans who consume it.
Different with conventional farmers, organic farmers use natural predators or traps insects to eliminate pests and insects. However, if it is not the use of pesticides in food, organic and inorganic, in general, does not exceed the level recommended by the government.

Hey, a lot of things that you need to check with the manufacturer if you want to include the label "organic" on the food sold, including:
- The plant is not grown with pesticides such as herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, Bioengineering, or ionizing radiation.
- Meat can be labeled organic if it comes from animals that are given organic feed and not given antibiotics and growth hormones. This animal must also be adequate access to open areas such as grass in the field.
Organic food is claimed to contain the farm without additional ingredients
Additional materials referred to here, for example, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, MSG (monosodium glutamate), or food coloring and flavoring.
  • Organic food child is claimed to be more environmentally friendly
Organic farming does not aim to preserve land and water by reducing pollution from the synthetic materials and pesticides.
  • Organic food is tastier
This may be because of organic farming in the cultivation of plants in limited quantities and will be sold directly in the market nearest to the location of the farm. Fresh food in South Korea will taste the best.

The other side of organic food

You may be wondering whether organic food really bring benefits to health? There is no definite answer to this, because very little evidence to suggest that eating organic foods actually provide more health benefits than conventional food.

Despite achieving many benefits, there are some consequences that you must bear if you come and organic food, among other things:
  1. The price of organic foods higher than conventional food, because organic farming methods require special care.
  2. Organic foods the child quickly collapses, because it does not contain preservatives.
  3. Because they do not use pesticides and other additives, the form and appearance of organic food probably will not attract the ingredients of traditional food. The color may not be bright, the size is not larger or straw hole in the fruit or vegetable.
  4. Synthetic pesticides are not the only things that threaten the health of the food, because Hey fluid and natural toxins used in organic sales of plant protection. Solanine is an example of that. If ingested, the material that produces the potatoes which can cause
The consequences of the above does not mean that the quality of organic food can be more low than non-organic, food safety standards that apply should be the same.

If organic food is a healthy component of a child?

This study found that there is no difference in terms of the content of the nutrients found in organic foods compared to food that has been developed for traditional farming. Only a few species such as organic milk contains Omega-3 fatty acids more milk and other organic useful as a means to provide protection against heart disease.

The important points in providing organic food to children to reduce your baby's risk of exposure to pesticides commonly found in food ingredients in fruits and vegetables grown by conventional means. This is because the child is at risk of experiencing disruption as a result of exposure to pesticides than adults. However, the current rate of sales of components in non-organic food in general do not exceed the maximum limit specified by the government.

Animals that are raised non-organic requirements to obtain a molding injection of antibiotics or other treatment to prevent the risk of disease. Some researchers believe that the content of this material from the body of the animal consumed can be harmful to health. But the truth is that this study.

However, if the animal is born with a organic mean that in this case the patient also sometimes need to be treated with antibiotics by injection or other drugs. The most important thing in the choice of organic or not is to give a fairly complete nutrition for the child. Organic food does not always mean that the most healthy option.

How to become more healthy ingredients?

People who consume organic fruits and vegetables are not at risk from exposure to pesticide residues, this is eating meat that is grown organically, is not at risk of exposure to bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. They did not find the importance of health benefits from eating organic food. Hey a lot of other factors that determine the outcome of the health of a person, in addition to Options consumption of food is organic or conventional.

In fact, the most important thing is not whether food is organic or not. Most of all, always make sure that the process of ingredients of the food before it is consumed in a different way, then.
  1. Select fresh groceries, buy fruits and vegetables according to the season or better yet purchase directly from local farmers.
  2. Wash fruits and vegetables under running water before being consumed or changed. Before washing, usually, dirt, dust, bacteria and chemicals that stick on a layer of skin missing. However, there are ingredients in some pesticides can not be lost by washing. This can be where it has been approved by the peeling of the skin to reduce the risk of pesticide exposure. On the other hand, peeling of the skin of the fruit or vegetable on the right is risky, to remove most of the fiber and nutrients.
  3.  Eat different types of fruits and vegetables and animal protein can reduce the risk of developing some types of sales.
  4. Read the labels on food packaging. Although eco-labels, but these products still contain calories, sugar and excess salt levels.
Food which is better organic or non organic, if you want to get the maximum nutrients from the food you consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. The nutrients contained in food can undergo oxidation from time to time. For example, although the citrus fruit is organic, but if this continues for a long time in the refrigerator, then you can lose a large amount of nutrients from citrus fruits.

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